Monday, May 20, 2013

Just an update

It seems like it has been forever since I have last updated on here. I guess that’s a good thing considering I have been so busy. I really enjoy it when we are so busy because then I don’t have time to sit and think about things. We re-did our flower bed since the one we did last year was over taken my weeds. This year we did so much better of a job and it looks awesome. Sawyer and I kept saying “I love the flower bed much more this way” And let me tell you it took us about 5 days to finish it. We were both sore for about a week afterwards.  We used red mulch instead of the dark brown I picked last year. Still kept the same type of shape but we built the wall up a little bit. Last year we just put these pavers around it and mulch was always in the yard. Now the mulch can’t blow out! WOOHOO. Well I mean I guess technically it can blow out but it won’t be as easy. You won’t lose an eye when you’re mowing the lawn now because wood chips won’t be flying everywhere. We would have to wear goggles just to mow because those chips would fly every direction. Mavyn seems to like the flower bed too. She is always walking all over the flowers and peeing in the flower bed rather than the yard. It is so hard to stay mad at her tho because she is so stinkin’ cute.
I also finally got my medical records and new patient info sent over to Dr. Kwak-Kim (pronounced “kwa” not Quack) HAHA! I followed up with them on last Tuesday to ensure they have received my textbook in the mail. And when I say text book I’m not even kidding. It was the same size as Sawyers chemistry book. And It was a chemistry book for nursing majors. So you know that thing was HUGE!! They did receive it and said they would contact me in about 2 weeks. They have to put together my file, verify insurance, the Dr. has to look over it, etc. I then asked about how far out the appointments are and she said about a month. So the good news is that we are still looking at the end of June beginning of July. WOOHOO!!!! Now we are just waiting on that call to give us our date for the appointment!!! We have decided to kind of make it a vacation type thing when we go to Illinois. We are driving instead of flying. Not to just save money but to go on a roadtrip and see things along the way. We are also going to buy this thing called the City pass. It’s one price for 5 different attractions. On the 4th and 5th ticket you had to pick between 2 places, but we have already done our research and decided where we are going! So not only are we super excited for our appointment but we are also excited for our vaca. Also we have decided not to board Mavyn while we are gone since she has always been everywhere with us. Tiki and Juicy are used to being boarded so Mavyn gets to go too!!!

On another note I did get in contact with Dr. M to discuss further treatment with her under Dr. Kwak-Kims protocol (assuming she says its OK to proceed under treatment). I was a little shocked with her response considering I did tell her it could include IVIg, intralipids, or other meds and treatments she may not approve of. Check out her response below.
Mother’s day was also great. Went to church at my gmas church which we LOVE to go to, and then we went to the country club for lunch then over to my moms house to hang out for the rest of the day. I thank God every single day for the family he has blessed me with. They have all opened up their arms and welcomed Sawyer into our family.  I can’t wait until Sawyer and I have our own cute little family together. J

Tuesday, May 7, 2013


The past couple of weeks I have been thinking a lot about Orangy, who would now be 2 years old. Who is Orangy? Orangy is the baby that Sawyer and I lost at 11 weeks in Sept 2010, due date April 2011. We got the name Orangy from that iphone pregnancy app. It would tell you all about what your body is doing and what the baby is developing that week and would also tell you what size the baby was compared to stuff. Our baby was the size of a small orange at some point. So we referred to the baby as Orangy, it was a cute nick name that Sawyer thought of.
My 21st birthday came in December and I didn’t really care, I was so broken that nothing mattered. Sawyer did everything she could to make my day special. She even signed my birthday card with our puppy’s names and a line, she claimed that she put the pen in there paw and that’s the line they made. I then saw a circle with wings on it and the name “Baby Orangy” under it. That following April when our baby would have been due, we did a balloon release.  Blue, pink, and orange. We wrote messages on every balloon to send up to Heaven for our baby Orangy. She also bought me a baby kitty that month. A Ragdoll to be specific. I don’t like just regular plain ol’ cats. I like the “designer” ones.  Baxter is a Lynx Seal Pointe Ragdoll and he is the sweetest little boy I know. I had been begging and begging to get a cat but Sawyer kept saying no and that she didn’t like cats. I think she got him for me because she knew he would help me cope. And now she loves Baby B so much and always mentions how she never thought she would ever love a cat this much.  
How did I manage to have someone in my life like Sawyer who has been there for me as much as she has? Through the good, the bad, the ugly, and the pretty.  She is the person who is there to catch me the second a fall and believe me that’s a lot more often than you think. She always puts me back on my feet and reminds me to just breathe and that everything will be OK.


Monday, May 6, 2013

Weekend fun

This weekend was a blast. Sawyers mom came up and Saturday we ran around all day doing a little bit of shopping and then on Sunday we went to the Thunder vs. Grizzlies. It was sooo much fun. We had been to a Thunder game before but just during the regular season. A playoffs game is so much more fun. Sunday night when we were getting ready for bed we both talked about how the weekend went by way to quick. I like days like that because it keeps my mind busy and I don’t have time to sit and think about things.

On another note I decided to email Dr. M on Friday to see how she felt about working along side with Dr. KK depending on her findings. So hopefully I hear back from her soon. If not that’s okay too. OU also called me on Friday to let me know they sent my records out so woohoo. I am hoping to get everything in the mail to Dr. KK by atleast this Friday but surely sooner. We are getting closer and closer. J

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

One step at a time

Sawyer called over to Dr. Kwak-Kim office last week and we found out how to go about getting an apt. Before they will even put you on the waiting list you must fill out the 20 page new patient packet, which is no big deal. I think we are both pros by now when it comes to filling out this type of paperwork. So you fax that over, and your medical records unless there are more than 100 pages then you have to snail mail them. Of course mine is like a freaking textbook. I mean 3 IVF 2 FET and 2 different REs, its got to be like 8904759073490 pages long. Once they receive all of that stuff they will then verify your insurance coverage and call you back in 2 weeks with the update. TWO WEEKS TO VERIFY INSURANCE! Holy crap. After that your on the list. As of last week the earliest we could be seen for a consult would be the end of June! Really its not that bad of a wait. At OU I think we waited 4-6 months to get in. So now I'm back to getting all my medical records. I have PDF copies from CARE fertility, OU usually takes about a week and half to get theres together, and I have a PDF from Lakeside from my miscarriage. So just waiting on OU. This time I'm going to make myself a copy that way I don't have to ever wait again on OU. By the time I get my records over to Dr. KK it will probably be the end of July before we can get in. Time flies but then again it drags on and on.

Something else that has been on my mind about going to see Dr. KK is she works along side with your RE. Well I don't currently have an RE. I refuse to go back to OU, I didn't get a good feeling when we went to Tulsa fertility, and then Integris wont even let me step foot in there office bc I am gay. I mean I could fight it and tell them Ill sue them but I don't think I would receive the care I deserve. Theres only 3 fertility clinics in Oklahoma and that's why I went to Texas to CARE fertility and then SIRM. We are lost on where we should go. I LOVED Dr. M at CARE but they only cared about $$ and then it seemed like the communication between me, nurses, finance, Dr. M, embryologist.. EVERYONE was just not good at all. NOBODY was on the same page. And then Dr. Saleh at SIRM its just a blah kind of guy. Not very personal, there to get the job done, but he also advised I don't proceed with treatment. This is where I have no clue what to do. I don't even know if Dr. M would agree to following Dr. KK protocol, I mean ultimately Dr KK is the one who is calling all the shots. She makes the decisions and every single lab/ultrasound is sent to her for reviewing. I just wish she would do the RE part. Even tho she is in Illinois I would still travel. So I guess I need to start looking at more fertility clinics in Texas. Ugh.

I know that we haven't even had our consult yet to see if there are any underlying problems to see if its even worth moving forward with another cycle. But I am just that type of person who likes to have a plan. I Just want to be prepared on what to do next after our consult. I guess that is something I picked up from my momma. She always had to have a plan, and know what was going on. And she didn't like spur the moment type stuff. I know growing up asking for a friend to stay the night that same day would always make her so mad hahaha.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

When it rains

4/24 – Phone consult with Dr. Saleh – This time the call lasted 11 minutes. Also just a side note, I took my blood test on 4/16 and they had the results 4/18. Did anyone calls me? NO! I called them 4/22 and didn’t get a phone call back from the nurse until 4/23. She confirmed I do have NK cells but I had the same reaction as last time, a little bit of a response to Intralipids but not enough to treat it with. But IVIg worked perfect…. Talk about jaw dropping, stomach in knots type of feeling. How in the world would we even begin to think of paying for IVIg treatment? From the research I have done it’s about $2,000 a pop. And I would need at least 5… if not more. And this nurse I spoke with she must have just a BLAH personality because every single time I speak with her it’s like she is annoyed or something. She is certainly not the type of person who needs to be speaking with me, or any other woman who is going through infertility. It is already a stressful time. AHHH!!! Anyways, then she asked when I wanted to talk to the dr. I said well right now would be great… well of course not. I would have to wait to speak with the actual doctor until the next day. As I waited for this phone call from the Doctor, I gathered up our questions. We had a list of things that we had thought about while waiting for these lab results. Will IVIg work? Will I have to do this treatment for future pregnancies? What are the risk factors involved in this treatment? PGD? How to improve number of eggs? Transfer 3 embryos? And a few others..  But just like last phone consult this one didn’t go as planned so asking these questions didn’t even happen.

He apologized for how frustrating this has been for us. He explained how he hoped my blood would have reacted to intralipid, he knows I in fact have an immune issue, and how I need to strongly consider using donor eggs/donor embryos or just adopt. Also asked if he had my medical history…um yea I sent you like over 400 pages worth of stuff. He said he didn’t have it anymore. WTF!!! I’m confused on how we went from if you poor quality eggs/embryos but if you have NK cells we can treat it and it will explain why you can’t keep a pregnancy, to we will use ivig but it’s expensive, to now I think it would be more cost efficient for you to ‘seek other options’.  I was already stressing over how we were going to able to afford IVIg treatments, and now it’s not even an option anymore with him. I am completely lost. But I am not the only one out there who has this much trouble.

My beautiful other half Sawyer is my rock. I swear if it wasn’t for her I don’t know what I would do. She always finds the positive in every single negative situation. She found a doctor who is a Reproductive Immunologist. Exactly who I need to see, takes on tough cases like mine and normally finds even more underlying problems, and from everything we have found it only takes 1 cycle with her and BAM your pregnant… a lot of times you don’t even have to undergo IUI, IVF, FET… but since I am in a same sex relationship trying at home is a lot hard. Especially when it comes to order sperm vials online and thawing them out. I’m not a scientist; I don’t know what I’m doing. Haha I would much rather pay the extra money and have a Doctor do it all. Dr. Kwak-Kim is out of Chicago, and from what we have read it takes a while to get an apt. and then when you do go for your apt it lasts 2-3 hours;  VERY intense and detailed. Just from reading blogs about others she takes 23 vials of blood, her equipment is top of the line; you’re doing an ultrasound for literally an hour. So, now we have to call the office and find out what all we need to do to get an appointment.

           Is it natural to want to give up when things continue to get worse and worse? How do other people find the strength to move forward and keep strong? At this point I honestly feel like I don’t know which way is up and which way is down. I don’t know whether to proceed with my dreams of becoming a mom, or just leave them in the past. I keep telling myself I am done; done with Doctors, done with medication, done with heartache, done with it all. But is that really the truth? Maybe I am just trying to trick my brain or something, trying to find that strength and power to make myself stand up again.

A lot of people ask me ‘why don’t you just adopt’ or ‘why doesn’t Sawyer just carry’… Yea you don’t think I haven’t thought about those things? Doesn’t it seem like your just giving up if you don’t fight through? I just want to respond and say “Do you even know how hard it is to adopt? Why don’t you adopt?”  “Why don’t you put yourself in my shoes and experience what I am going through and then you can answer those questions yourself.” What they don’t understand is what it feels like to have infertility. It absolutely sucks!!!! When people say these things its more hurtful than helpful :(

On another note, it is National Infertility Awareness week and I found out that Oklahoma has an “F” rating for infertility support. Very disappointed, not only do I live in a state that doesn’t allow my lifestyle, it also has no support for infertility.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Waiting game

Well this morning I did my blood draw for the retake of the nk test. This is going to be a LONG week since we have to wait 7 days for these results. I think waiting is the worst part but that's okay. We are praying that this time around my blood will react to the intralipids otherwise ivig treatment it is. Fingers are crossed tightly and lots of prayers going up.

Friday, April 5, 2013

On to test #2

Well I had the phone consult with Dr. Saleh. We had a list compiled of questions to ask since finding out I tested positive for the NK cells. I was expecting a lengthy conversation, however that is not what happened. Phone call lasted 4 minutes to be exact. The phone call that I thought was going to move us forward, only set us back. He kept asking if I felt OK when I took the test or if I had the flu.

Good news: I do have NK cells. They are significantly hyperactive and this is what definitely would cause miscarriages. Knows this is the issue on why I keep losing the baby and keep having failed cycles.

Bad news: While injecting the Intralipid treatment into the dish, my blood did NOT react to it. Very rare for it to not react.

More bad news: Used whats called IViG in the dish, my blood reacted to that. This is a blood product, and this type of treatment costs as much as a IVF cycle.

Advice: Dr. Saleh asked for me to repeat the blood test incase this was just a fluke result. He understands that $350 is ALOT of money for a blood test and to have to repeat it again is even worse. But he wants to be 100% sure before we move forward. He wants to give us the highest possibility of giving us our blessing. But if same results then only option is IViG.

Plan: Now waiting on the kit to come in via mail so I can have my blood retested. Once that comes in and I ship it off to the Immunologist we will then wait another 7 days for results.

If its not one thing its another. But that is okay, just another bump in the road to get us to our beautiful family. We will continue to Thank God for all he has given us, and to pray.

Monday, April 1, 2013


GOT THE CALL!!!! I TESTED POSITIVE FOR THE NATURAL KILL CELLS!!!!! Phone consult on Wednesday afternoon. Dr. Saleh wants to look at my medical records a little more closely, and go over everything in detail since I tested positive. Looking forward to this journey. The nurse I spoke with even said how this now explains ALOT!!!!  I cannot believe my previous doctor wouldnt even think about testing for this, just wanted to keep taking my money.

THANK YOU GOD! Also I want to take a moment to thank everyone for the prayers. It truly has meant so much to Sawyer and I. We are blessed to have such amazing friends and family.

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Just waiting...

Saturday we attended the seminar that Dr. Sher and Dr. Saleh put on. They were giving away a free IVF cycle but you had to attend the seminar and be present to win. We didn't have the golden ticket unfortunately. It lasted a little over 2 hours. We pretty much already knew most of the information that was discussed during this, only because we have already went through so many cycles. We did however learn a little bit more about the NK cells and then the PGD and CGH (testing of the embryos for genetic disorders). Tons of brochures and hand outs were given over numerous other topics regarding IVF. We even got cool little egg shaped stress balls.

Now just to wait for the phone call from the doctors office about my blood test. Monday will be the 7th day, hoping they call sooner than later. The waiting is driving me crazy. Getting nervous and super anxious!!! Still praying to God to let me have these NK cells.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

The normal life

Thinking back to when Sawyer and I first got together, the most important thing on our minds was ‘when would we see each other next’ Being that I am 1 year and 9 months older than her it made things a little harder. After she graduated high school it wasn’t long before she moved in with me. Back then we were always going out to clubs, movies, hanging out with friends, pretty much having fun. But not anymore.

One of the questions I keep asking myself is “Will I ever be the same? Will we ever be the same?” When I miscarried in September 2010 it broke my heart! It crushed me.  I cried and cried for days.  I was away from work for the entire month of September. Between being on bedrest, then the miscarriage. Going to work being around people who were going to say “I’m so sorry, is there anything I can do for you?” I just couldn’t handle it. Now after years of trying to conceive with help from Drs, and numerous failures it has literally drove me insane. IVF has completely consumed my life. The one thing that is constantly on my mind is IVF. Whether we are in between cycles or awaiting embryo transfer, my mind is totally consumed. I don’t want to go out to clubs anymore, I don’t want to hang out with friends anymore, I really don’t want to do anything. I think part of it is that I feel like part of me is missing. I feel my mind wondering about other things when I’m supposed to be having fun. And then all I ever want to talk about is “if” and “when”. I know it’s not healthy but I literally cannot control it. I joined an online forum for women going through IVF and FET as well as many other infertility related topics. I check it several times dail, post different threads, and have even built friendships with other women who are also in the same boat. Just talking to someone who is familiar with the process and the emotions it brings is nice. It makes me feel like I’m not THAT crazy after all.

Something I have been wondering lately is; is it even possible to go back to how things used to be? Back to the “normal” life we lived where having a baby wasn’t constantly on our mind? I mean surely it is but probably not until AFTER we have our first child. I don’t think we will ever be the same as before. We have both changed completely. As a couple and individually. Sawyer is my biggest support system. She is my rock. She is the one person who holds me together through this entire process. She is the one who tells me it is okay to cry and to just breathe. I am so proud of the woman she has grown to be. She is working a fulltime job, a fulltime student, and 100% involved in this whole process. Even when that means waking up at 3am to drive back to Oklahoma because I cry when it’s time for her to head back home (damn all these fertility drugs), and for me to stay in Texas because I’m to the point of everyday appointments with the doctor. She is simply amazing. She is going to be an amazing mom. So maybe going back to how things used to be won’t happen, but I know one day we will look back on all of this and not want to change a thing because of how strong this entire process has made us.  Sometimes I just wish there was a button I could push or a switch I could flip. It seems like everyone around me is pregnant and I get so happy for them. It’s such a joyful thing but next thing I know here I am in complete envy, wishing that was ME! WHY ME? Then I’m right back on that emotional roller coaster. I know there are several other women in my shoes wondering the same thing, so I’m not alone…All I can do is simply pray. Pray to God that he will guide us through this and give us the strength to push through our fears and never give up on our hopes and dreams of one day being called “mommy” from that sweet tiny little voice.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Sawyer's Thoughts

As I am supporting Brittany through this long journey of infertility, a few things come to mind, wondering when it’ll all end, questioning if it is right to put someone so young through all these treatments, not to mention the mental stress, wondering if we should let our family in on all our heartaches, how far is too far, etc? These are just some of the thoughts that come to mind daily, if not twice a day. I do wonder when it’ll be the end, when we will have a beautiful baby in our arms to call ours, then I remember that quote, “Let go and Let GOD”, it is hard to trust someone who you’ve never seen. My faith is strong, I grew up going to Church every Sunday (you can imagine how my parents are with me being gay, but that is another subject), but I still wonder WHEN & IF!!! Putting Brittany through numerous IVF cycles, injecting medicine into her body, if you don’t know already puts her at risk for many things later in life – to mention a few, ovarian and breast cancer – not to mention the emotional stress it puts her through currently. As I sit back and watch, knowing there is not one thing I can do to help her besides just be with her, it is hard on me and on our relationship. But recently, we let our family know just WHAT we were traveling to Dallas for so much. I mean, a select few already knew, like Brittany’s awesome Aunt & Uncle that live in a suburb of Dallas, which has been great so we haven’t had to foot a single hotel bill, talk about a buck saver. Not only have they been there for a place to stay, but Kim has been an awesome emotional support for Britt & Steve helps in his own little way, too (you all know how men are). J Tina, britt’s mom knew, too… Maybe not the extent of everything, but she knew we were trying to have a baby only bc she keeps saying how badddd she wants to be a grandma. My mom, on the other hand, I was scared to tell her. I didn’t know how she would react, what opinions she would have that maybe I just didn’t want to hear. But, she was down visiting one night and Britt had an appointment she had left for the next day and my mom just flat out asked me, “Is Britt going to an Infertility Doctor?” Uh, whoa, can you imagine your heart dropping, thinking oh shit, what do I do, I can’t lie… So as I gather my thoughts in my head, I mumble very timidly, “uh yes, yes momma.” At that moment, all my fear of ‘telling my mom’ had surfaced and the next few minutes, I realized, I should have told her a lot sooner. She was very interested in the subject, she was glad that I personally have waited until I am finished with school to carry a child, she was supportive and we talked for a good hour on the subject. Although, in the beginning my mom wasn’t Brittany’s biggest fan, they’ve certainly became closer in the past year and I thank God for that daily. As for now, no far is too far, we will do whatever it financially, emotionally and mentally it takes to have a child. People ask, “why doesn’t Sawyer carry?” or “why don’t you guys just adopt?” well those are two questions that one day will eventually have the answer “yes.” But as for now, it is Britt’s turn for the spot light, it is her turn to experience the joys and not so joys of pregnancy and until she has had a pregnancy that we both want so bad, the rest of our family planning will be exactly where it is now, out of our mind.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013


IVF isn’t cheap AT ALL! I’m going to just throw that out there for people who aren’t familiar with it. 1 ivf cycle can cost $15,000 if not more depending where you go. And that doesn’t include the medication either. The meds alone cost $3,000 - $6,000 depending on the protocol the dr. uses and which pharmacy you order from. Most are usually the same price give or take a few dollars. Luckily my health insurance covered Infertility treatments up to $15,000 with a $5,000 prescription policy as well. I am so fortunate to have this coverage. Only having to pay 20% plus $45 co-pays helped us be able to even TRY to conceive with help from a reproductive endocrinologist. But we also didn’t think we would still be on this path of trying to conceive our first child after 2.5 years. After our numerous cycles we have almost hit the LIFETIME MAX on my infertility coverage. Getting this news was devastating. Getting a loan for $15,000 was completely out of the picture. There was no way possible I was going to make us go that much more in debt. 15k is a new car, a down payment on a house for most people. Heck we could use 15k to pay off doctor bills, credit cards, cars, etc. When we switched clinics we knew that we had approximately $2500 left to use on my lifetime max.  

I had a phone consult with the financial manager at SIRM to discuss different “plans” they offered, and how much everything would cost. I was most worried that she would tell me they would still charge the cash price and just subtract what insurance would pay. Since that’s what the last clinic was going to do. That sounded a little strange to Sawyer and I both. And of course I was having a mental breakdown.  

Karen from SIRM told me that she would figure up what I would need to pay after my insurance was used, and she would use the contracted rates they had with my health care provider. She informed me it would be a few hours before she could tell me, but assured me she would have all the details in an email ASAP. When my phone went off with the alert of a new email my stomach did flips, I was extremely nervous to open this email. But once I did it was so much more exciting than I thought!!! Let’s just say we are another step closer to hopefully starting our next cycle. NK cell test, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE be positive. We are praying so hard!

Monday, March 25, 2013

First post :)

Blogging is something that I am new to. I've come to realize that alot of people do it to help them relieve stress, anxiety, and cope with difficult times. Sometimes it just helps to talk about stuff and get it off your chest.

So here is to my first post!! WOOHOO I guess a little bit of background would be useful at this point. I wont go much into detail since further info can be found under "our TTC story" and "our IVF stats" We have been trying to conceive since May 2010. I did get pregnant but unfortunately miscarried at 12 weeks. I have had 3 miscarriages (2 chemicals) in total. 3 fresh ivf cycles and 2 frozen cycles with 2 different doctors. Now on to the 3rd for more answers.

When you have that person you want to spend your life with and you want to have a family and bring a new life into the world, nobody would of thought it's actually really hard to conceive. 1 in 6 couples suffer from infertility. That is a lot!! Going into our conceiving journey, and seeing a fertility specialist, neither of us thought it would have taken this long to actually work. We still haven't had a successful pregnancy, after numerous heartaches, and thousands of dollars. Its unbelievable how much stress it puts on your body and relationship while going through all this. All of the meds I had to pump my body which made me EXTREMELY moody, caused insomnia, nightmares, anxiety, just a whole slew of things. Even Sawyer would say how crazy I got while on meds. We would both look forward to when I WASN'T on the meds but in the end we knew this was nothing compared to the joy we would experience when being blessed with a beautiful child and we would do WHATEVER it takes to accomplish this. Having a family with the person you love is so beautiful and amazing. Everyone deserves to feel those warm fuzzy feelings.

Friday, March 22nd we had a consult with Dr. Saleh at SIRM in Dallas. His clinic is rated number 4 on the top rated clinics in Texas. SIRM is located all over. Dallas, Vegas, St. Louis, and many more. Dr. Sher who founded the first SIRM clinic strongly believes in Immune tests and that is something we have been asking for. While meeting with Dr. Saleh he explained what he thought our options are. He was very informative and to the point. He even drew us a picture. haha Anyways having numerous failed cycles, accompanied by miscarriage with a title of UNEXPLAINED INFERTILITY, testing for the NK (natural killer) cell is the only other test that could answer all of our questions. Not many doctors are on board with this test. We are hoping that I actually have this NK cell, other wise the next step would be to use donor eggs or embryos. Luckily Sawyer is a woman so we would just use her eggs so I could still carry a child. I don't have the best quality eggs which later turns into not so good quality embryos. But I really don't want to think about having to go that route yet. I want to hold on to whats left of me, in hopes that I can still have my own biological child. This blood test is $350 and only an immunologist can run the lab since its a very special type of blood test. Dr. Saleh told us it usually takes about 7 days to hear back from the lab who runs it. I had to wait until today, Monday, to draw my blood since the lab isn't open on the weekends plus Fedex doesn't run. I was given the blood draw packet and took to my local family clinic to draw it and then I had to drop it off at Fedex. Needless to say this well be a LONG LONG week.