Monday, March 25, 2013

First post :)

Blogging is something that I am new to. I've come to realize that alot of people do it to help them relieve stress, anxiety, and cope with difficult times. Sometimes it just helps to talk about stuff and get it off your chest.

So here is to my first post!! WOOHOO I guess a little bit of background would be useful at this point. I wont go much into detail since further info can be found under "our TTC story" and "our IVF stats" We have been trying to conceive since May 2010. I did get pregnant but unfortunately miscarried at 12 weeks. I have had 3 miscarriages (2 chemicals) in total. 3 fresh ivf cycles and 2 frozen cycles with 2 different doctors. Now on to the 3rd for more answers.

When you have that person you want to spend your life with and you want to have a family and bring a new life into the world, nobody would of thought it's actually really hard to conceive. 1 in 6 couples suffer from infertility. That is a lot!! Going into our conceiving journey, and seeing a fertility specialist, neither of us thought it would have taken this long to actually work. We still haven't had a successful pregnancy, after numerous heartaches, and thousands of dollars. Its unbelievable how much stress it puts on your body and relationship while going through all this. All of the meds I had to pump my body which made me EXTREMELY moody, caused insomnia, nightmares, anxiety, just a whole slew of things. Even Sawyer would say how crazy I got while on meds. We would both look forward to when I WASN'T on the meds but in the end we knew this was nothing compared to the joy we would experience when being blessed with a beautiful child and we would do WHATEVER it takes to accomplish this. Having a family with the person you love is so beautiful and amazing. Everyone deserves to feel those warm fuzzy feelings.

Friday, March 22nd we had a consult with Dr. Saleh at SIRM in Dallas. His clinic is rated number 4 on the top rated clinics in Texas. SIRM is located all over. Dallas, Vegas, St. Louis, and many more. Dr. Sher who founded the first SIRM clinic strongly believes in Immune tests and that is something we have been asking for. While meeting with Dr. Saleh he explained what he thought our options are. He was very informative and to the point. He even drew us a picture. haha Anyways having numerous failed cycles, accompanied by miscarriage with a title of UNEXPLAINED INFERTILITY, testing for the NK (natural killer) cell is the only other test that could answer all of our questions. Not many doctors are on board with this test. We are hoping that I actually have this NK cell, other wise the next step would be to use donor eggs or embryos. Luckily Sawyer is a woman so we would just use her eggs so I could still carry a child. I don't have the best quality eggs which later turns into not so good quality embryos. But I really don't want to think about having to go that route yet. I want to hold on to whats left of me, in hopes that I can still have my own biological child. This blood test is $350 and only an immunologist can run the lab since its a very special type of blood test. Dr. Saleh told us it usually takes about 7 days to hear back from the lab who runs it. I had to wait until today, Monday, to draw my blood since the lab isn't open on the weekends plus Fedex doesn't run. I was given the blood draw packet and took to my local family clinic to draw it and then I had to drop it off at Fedex. Needless to say this well be a LONG LONG week.

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